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quality Standards24/7-Supporthigh Security

We are here for you.

Do you have a question or a problem? Contact us! You will talk directly to a qualified employee of Pattayanet Hosting. Call us or send
us an e-mail, our genuine Pattayanet service is available to all customers - whether you have bought the simplest and cheapest or the
most expensive product.

» Contact Pattayanet «

You are not yet a customer?
Of course we are also happy to advise you, if you have questions regarding our products or need help to decide which is the correct package for you.

Guaranteed response and recovery times
You will receive a qualified assessment regarding your enquiry from one of our advisors within the agreed response time. In a best -
case scenario you will receive information about the completion of the procedure,  but in any case,  we will provide you with a  first
assessment of your enquiry and details on how to proceed further. If your service is no longer available we will deal with your issue
straight away: We guarantee a response time of 2 hours. Depending on the product we guarantee a recovery time of 4-8 hours.

Hosting in Germany!...... on a higher and better level!
In compliance with our philosophy,  we offer you  fair prices  as well as  optimized  personal  service - because low prices are no use
without  proper  service.  For Pattayanet,  support is not an irritant but a valued and also appreciated part of our  daily work.  We will
implement your product with the highest - quality branded hardware at a fair price.  We have highest demands towards the quality of
the used hard - and software despite our customer-oriented calculations.

Control Panel - Customer Login:
Already registered with us? If so, click the button below to login to our client area from where you can manage your account.

Forgot your password or username? Please use the contact form!

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